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Amsterdam Skull Hash | Cannalyft CanadaAmsterdam Skull Hash | Cannalyft Canada

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Amsterdam Skull Hash | Cannalyft Canada

This product is currently out of stock and unavailable.

Amsterdam Skull Hash imported straight from Amsterdam! The smell and taste that will take you right to the red light district!

This product reminds us of a quality bubble Hash, but its the real deal straight from the Netherlands! Act fast as the supply is limited at the moment, but we placed an order for more. On top of it, the price is more than affordable!

Proudly sold by Cannalyft Canada, your trusted destination for cannabis derived products.

SKU: amsterdam-skull-hash Category:

1 review for Amsterdam Skull Hash

  1. mitchboutilier7 (verified owner)

    Very good hash one of my favorites on site an I’ve tryed a few

    Posted on Cannalyft Canada

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